PublicationsFor prior publications to 2015, please go to Philipp Zerbe's Google Scholar page
2020Tiedge K, Destremps J, Solano-Sanchez J, Arce-Rodriguez ML, Zerbe P (2022) Foxtail mosaic virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Plant Methods. [Pubmed]
Murphy KM, Dowd T, Khalil A, Char SN,Yang B, Endelman BJ, Shih PM, Topp CN, Schmelz EA, Zerbe P
(2022) A dolabralexin-deficient mutant provides insight into specialized diterpenoid metabolism in maize (Zea mays). bioRxiv. [BioRxiv] Murphy KM, Poretsky E, Liu H, Micic N, Nyhuis A, Bohlmann J, Schmelz EA, Zerbe P, Huffaker A, Bjarnholt N (2022) Shielding the oil reserves: the scutellum as a source of chemical defenses. Plant Physiology. [Pubmed]
Tiedge K, Li X, Merrill AT, Davisson D, Chen Y, Yu P, Tantillo DJ, Last RL, Zerbe P (2022) Comparative transcriptomics and metabolomics reveal specialized metabolite drought stress responses in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). New Phytologist. . [New Phytologist]
Muchlinski A, Jia M, Tiedge K, Fell JS, Pelot KA, Chew L, Davisson D, Chen Y, Siegel J, Lovell JT, Zerbe P (2021) Cytochrome P450-catalyzed biosynthesis of furanoditerpenoids in the bioenergy crop switchgrass. Plant J. [Plant J]
Muchlinski A, Jia M, Tiedge K, Fell JS, Pelot KA, Chew L, Davisson D, Chen Y, Siegel J, Lovell JT, Zerbe P (2021) Furanoditerpenoid biosynthesis in the bioenergy crop switchgrass is catalyzed by an alternate metabolic pathway. BioRxiv. [BioRxiv]
Pelot KA, Mitchell R, Kwon M, Hagelthorn LM, Wardman JF, Chiang A, Bohlmann J, Ro Dk, Zerbe P (2020) Biosynthesis of the psychotropic plant diterpene salvinorin A: discovery and characterization of the Salvia divinorum clerodienyl diphosphate synthase. Plant J. [Pubmed]
Tiedge K, Muchlinski A, Zerbe P (2020) Genomics-enabled analysis of specialized metabolism in bioenergy crops: Current progress and challenges. Syn Biol. [Pubmed]
Karunanithi PS, Berrios DI, Wang S, Davis J, Shen T, Fiehn O, Maloof JN, Zerbe P (2020) The foxtail millet (Setaria italica) terpene synthase gene family. Plant J [Pubmed]
Murphy KM, Zerbe P (2020) Specialized diterpenoid metabolism in monocot crops: Biosynthesis and chemical diversity. Phytochemistry doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2020. [Pubmed]
Wang JZ, Lei Y, Xiao Y, He X, Liang J, Jiang J, Dong S, Ke H, Leon P, Zerbe P, Xiao Y, Dehesh K (2020) Uncovering the functional residues of Arabidopsis isoprenoid biosynthesis enzyme HDS. PNAS 117, 355-61. [Pubmed]
2019Murphy KM, Chung S, Fogla S, Minsky HB, Zhu KY, Zerbe P (2019) A Customizable Approach for the Enzymatic Production and Purification of Diterpenoid Natural Products. J Vis Exp.doi: 10.3791/59992. [Pubmed]
Karunanithi PS, Zerbe P (2019) Terpene Synthases as Metabolic Gatekeepers in the Evolution of Plant Terpenoid Chemical Diversity. Front Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01166. [Pubmed]
Muchlinski A, Chen X, Lovell JT, Köllner TG, Pelot KA, Zerbe P, Ruggiero M, Callaway L 3rd, Laliberte S, Chen F, Tholl D (2019) Biosynthesis and Emission of Stress-Induced Volatile Terpenes in Roots and Leaves of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Front Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01144. [Pubmed]
Ding Y, Murphy KM, Poretsky E, Mafu S, Yang B, Char SN, Christensen SA, Saldivar E, Wu M, Wang Q, Ji L, Schmitz RJ, Kremling KA, Buckler ES, Shen Z, Briggs SP, Bohlmann J, Sher A, Castro-Falcon G, Hughes CC, Huffaker A, Zerbe P, Schmelz EA (2019) Multiple genes recruited from hormone pathways partition maize diterpenoid defences. Nat Plants 10, 1043-1056. [Pubmed]
Ma LT, Lee YR, Tsao NW, Wang SY, Zerbe P, Chu FH. (2019) Biochemical characterization of diterpene synthases of Taiwania cryptomerioides expands the known functional space of specialized diterpene metabolism in gymnosperms. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14513. [Pubmed]
Karunanithi PS, Dhanota P, Addison JB, Tong S, Fiehn O, Zerbe P (2019) Functional characterization of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP71AU87 indicates a role in marrubiin biosynthesis in the medicinal plant Marrubium vulgare. BMC Plant Biol. 19, 114. [Pubmed]
Amini H, Naghavi MR, Shen T, Wang Y, Nasiri J, Khan IA, Fiehn O, Zerbe P, Maloof JN. (2019) Tissue-Specific Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes for Terpenoid and Phenylpropanoid Metabolism in the Medicinal Plant Ferula assafoetida. G3 (Bethesda) 9, 807-16. [Pubmed]
Pelot KA, Hagelthorn DM, Hong YJ, Tantillo DJ, Zerbe P (2019) Diterpene Synthase-Catalyzed Biosynthesis of Distinct Clerodane Stereoisomers. ChemBioChem 20, 111-117. [Pubmed]
2018Murphy KM, Ma LT, Ding Y, Schmelz EA, Zerbe P (2018) Functional Characterization of Two Class II Diterpene Synthases Indicates Additional Specialized Diterpenoid Pathways in Maize (Zea mays). Front Plant Sci 9, 1542. [Pubmed]
Lancaster J, Khrimian A, Young S, Lehner B, Luck K, Wallingford A, Ghosh SKB, Zerbe P, Muchlinski A, Marek PE, Sparks ME, Tokuhisa JG, Tittiger C, Köllner TG, Weber DC, Gundersen-Rindal DE, Kuhar TP, Tholl D (2018) De novo formation of an aggregation pheromone precursor by an isoprenyl diphosphate synthase-related terpene synthase in the harlequin bug. PNAS USA 115, E8634-41 [Pubmed]
Pelot KA, Chen R, Hagelthorn DM, Young CA, Addison JB, Muchlinski A, Tholl D, Zerbe P (2018) Functional diversity of diterpene synthases in the biofuel crop switchgrass. Plant Physiol 178, 54-71 [Pubmed]
Mafu S, Ding Y, Murphy KM, Yaacoobi O, Addison JB, Wang Q, Shen Z, Briggs SP, Bohlmann J, Castro-Falcon G, Hughes CC, Betsiashvili M, Huffaker A, Schmelz EA, Zerbe P (2018) Discovery, Biosynthesis and Stress-Related Accumulation of Dolabradiene-Derived Defenses in Maize. Plant Physiol 176, 2677-2690. [Pubmed]
2017Mafu S, Zerbe P (2017) Plant diterpenoid metabolism for manufacturing the biopharmaceuticals of tomorrow: prospects and challenges. Phytochem. Rev. 17(1), 113-130. [Pubmed]
Pelot KA, Hagelthorn DM, Addison JB, Zerbe P (2017) Biosynthesis of the oxygenated diterpene nezukol in the medicinal plant Isodon rubescens is catalyzed by a pair of diterpene synthases. PLoS One 12,e0176507 [Pubmed]
Mafu S, Karunanithi PS, Palazzo TA, Harrod BL, Rodriguez SM, Mollhoff IN, O'Brien TE, Tong S, Fiehn O, Tantillo DJ, Bohlmann J, Zerbe P (2017) Biosynthesis of the microtubule-destabilizing diterpene pseudolaric acid B from golden larch involves an unusual diterpene synthase. PNAS USA 114, 974-9. [Pubmed]
2016Pelot K, Mitchell R, Kwon M, Hagelthorn DM, Wardman JF, Chiang A, Bohlmann J, Ro DK, Zerbe P (2016) Biosynthesis of the psychotropic diterpene salvinorin A: Disocvery and characterization of the Salvia divinorum clerodienyl diphosphate synthase. Plant J. 89,885-97 [Pubmed]
Mafu S, Fischer E, Addison JB, Riberio Barbosa I, Zerbe P (2016) Substitution of two active site residues alters C9-hydroxylation in a class II diterpene synthase. ChemBioChem 17, 2304-7. [Pubmed]
Wu X, Chen X, Dan J, Cao Y, Gao S, Guo Z, Zerbe P, Chai Y, Diao Y, Zhnag L (2016) Characterization of anti-leukemia components from Indigo naturalis using comprehensive two-dimensional K562/cell membrane chromatography and in silico target identification. Sci. Rep. 6, 25491. [Pubmed]
Andersen-Ranberg J, Kongstad KT, Nielsen MT, Jensen NB, Pateraki I, Bach SS, Hamberger B, Zerbe P, Staerk D, Bohlmann J, Møller BL, Hamberger B (2016) Expanding the landscape of diterpene structural diversity through stereochemically controlled combinatorial biosynthesis. Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 55, 2142-6. [Pubmed]
2015Chen R, Li Q, Tan H, Chen J, Xiao Y, Ma R, Gao S, Zerbe P, Chen W, Zhang L (2015) Gene-to-Metabolite network for biosynthesis of lignans in MeJA-elicited Isatis indigotica hairy root cultures. Front. Plant Sci. 6, 952. [Pubmed]
Zerbe P, Rodriguez SM, Mafu S, Chiang A, Sandhu HK, O’Neil-Johnson M, Starks CM and Bohlmann J (2015) Exploring diterpene metabolism in non-model species: Transcriptome-enabled discovery and functional characterization of labda-7,13E-dienyl diphosphate synthase from Grindelia robusta. Plant J. 83, 783-93. [Pubmed]
Zerbe P and Bohlmann (2015) Plant diterpene synthases: exploring modularity and metabolic diversity for bioengineering. Trends Biotechnol. 33, 419-28. [Pubmed]