We are an international and interdisciplinary research team, dedicated to better understanding the mysteries of plant specialized metabolism and employ this knowledge for developing sustainable solutions for agriculture, medicine, and bioproducts.
Please contact us if you are interested in working with us! Current availabilitiesOpen Postdoc Position
Our team is recruiting a talented and motivated postdoc with specific focus on the discovery, structure-function analysis, and protein engineering of terpenoid-metabolic enzymes. If you are interested to work with us, please contact Philipp Zerbe ([email protected]). Undergraduate Research Training We frequently have opportunities for undergraduate students to join our team and get research experience working on our ongoing projects. Please inquire with a CV and brief Statement of Interests directly to Philipp Zerbe ([email protected]). Website design updated by Ramya Chandrasekaran | 2022
If interested, please contact:
Philipp Zerbe | Principal Investigator and Associate Professor Office LSA 1220 Phone (530) 754-9652 E-mail [email protected] Lab LSA 1203 & 1209 Phone (530) 754-9789 Located in the Department of Plant Biology at University of California, Davis
Address 1002 Life Sciences, One Shields Avenue, CA 95616 |